UNIFLUX® Convection Heaters
A convection gas heater is an enclosed device using a controlled flame to transfer heat indirectly to process material. The convection direct-fired heater is a device in which the combustion gases do not directly come into contact with process materials.
The Uniflux® convection heater is a completely packaged, economically priced, forced draft, convection-type fired process heater. Each unit is custom-designed to meet the particular needs of the application presented by the customer.
Convection heat transfer results in lower tube wall temperatures than with a radiant heater. This allows Uniflux heaters to operate on Temperature sensitive fluids (such as MEA and DEA), and highly viscous fluids (such as asphalt).
Utilizing the complete circulation of exhaust gases around process tubes results in a convective heat transfer. This allows the process to operate at lower tube wall and film temperatures than can be achieved with conventional radiant heaters. The high-velocity burner has a very short flame extension, preventing flame impingement on the tubes. This, in turn, eliminates tube coking. Exotherm offers Uniflux Helical Coil Heaters and Uniflux Cabin Heaters.

Convection Gas Heaters
Our Uniflux® convection heater has numerous advantages. The average flux rate is essentially equal to the maximum possible flux rate. Uniform heat flux, without flame impingement, eliminates uneven heating of process fluids and tube burnout, lowering the total cost of operation. The convection heater also emits low noise levels so the completely sealed heater reduces combustion acoustics.
typical applications of uniflux:
- Crude Oil
- Regeneration Gas
- Reaction Heaters
- Fuel Oil
- Air
- Emulsions
- Preheaters
- Edible Oils
- Cryogenic: LNG, NH3, LPG
- Water
- Pilot Plants
- Glycol / Water
- Asphalt
- Steam Superheater
technical specifications of uniflux:
- 0.1 - 70 MMBtu/hr
- Efficiencies to 95%
- Process temperatures to 1700°F
- Process Pressures to 3000 psi
- Carbon Steel, Low & High Alloy Metallurgies available
- Gas, Oil, or Dual-Fired Designs
- Cabin or Circular Designs
- Turndown ratios up to 40:1
We also offer custom heaters designed to meet temperature rise requirements and thermal efficiency.
Questions? Contact Us
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